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Writer's pictureMichael Woodruff

Transcript: The Community Focus Update (01/06/20)

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

The Community Focus Update Date: January 6th, 2020

Note: This is a working document information may change. Missing numbers means stories were dropped. (FSG)

Covid-19 Disclaimer (PPT Video/Chroma Key)

-:60 Opener/Lower third (Mike) (One shot) (Zoom in) Mike: Welcome to our 40th episode of the Community Focus Update. I’m Michael Woodruff. Adlib Feeling better, nice to get back to work, lots of plans for CFU in 2021.

(One shot) Mike: In this week’s program we'll be having a sit down interview with the folks at Afton City hall, discovering the reason why there's a nationwide shortage on firearms and ammunition. Later in the program we'll show you the recent discussion on a mask mandate in Miami. Before we dive into what going on around Ottawa County let's talk about our sponsors. -Graphic

-Elegance Unleashed Mike: Elegance Unleashed; Owner Deb Swank offers a full service salon for you and your family. They offer a wide variety of services from haircuts to pedicures. Due to easing of state and local Covid-19 rules Elegance Unleashed, will be taking one-on-one appointments. Children and the disabled can be accompanied by one adult. As a safety caution all clients are asked to wear surgical masks. If you don’t have a mask one will be provided. Deb wants to thank everyone for their past patronage and looks forward to serving returning and new customers. For an appointment call 918-544-6976.

-Pewitt Law Graphic Mike: Since 1992, Douglas Pewitt has been serving the public as an attoney. If you have questions about Family law to include divorce and child custody, auto or personal injury, or found yourself on the other side of the law. Call Pewitt Law Offices at 918-542-8400.

Mike: If you’d like to advertise or be a sponsor of The Community Focus Update it’s only $10 an episode during the covid-19 pandemic. Email me at Michael Woodruff Media Management dot com with the Word “advertising” in the subject line. #1(One shot/Graphic) (Covid-19 Vaccine appointments at Health Dept) Mike: In a past episode we reported that a vaccine for Covid-19 had been approved by the FDA. Since that time states nationwide have been working to develop a distrobution system.


Mike: Here in Oklahoma the first step to getting a vaccine is to visit and make an appointment by filling out a questionare. You will be asked about your demographics, medical history to include any details about covid-19 tests, symptoms, and treatments, and your contact information. Currently there are no guaranteed times for appointments and the amount of vaccinations available will depend on supplies delivered to the state.


Mike: Currently there is a 4 phase plan in place on who will receive a vaccine. The first phase will be long term care workers and residents, inpatient healthcare workers, EMTs and paramedics. The second phase will be first responders, outpatient healthcare workers, kindergarten thru 12th grade educators, remaining healthcare workers, and adults over the age of 65 and any adult with multiple long-term illnesses like dementia, diabetes, and heart disease. The third phase will be critical infrastructure workers, college personnel and students. The final phase will be everyone else.


Mike: To see the Oklahoma's detailed vaccination plan you can visit today's transcript at


Mike: Again you'll need to visit the Oklahoma State Health Department website to make an appointment for a vaccine. There are no vaccinations for walk-ins.

#2(One shot/Video or photos) (Ottawa County Officials sworn in) Mike: On Tuesday January 5th Ottawa county swore in three recently elected officials. County Clerk Robyn Mitchell, who is on her second term in office. And two newcomers, Commissioner of District Two Steven Chasteen and Sheriff David Dean. As with previous administrations and other offices throughout the county and state we welcome them on the program anytime.

#3 (one shot/graphic) (Wyanndotte Nation Storytelling)

Mike: The Wyandotte Nation Cultural Center is hosting a virtual storytelling event via Zoom on Saturday Afternoon January 9th at 1:30. To register visit the Wyanndotte Nation Cultural Center Facebook page.

#4 (One shot/Graphic)

(Nationwide Firearm and Ammunition shortage)

Mike: Among the nations of the world there are only three countries that consider gun ownership a constitutional right, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States. With 120.5 civilian firearms per 100 people. There are an estimated 393,347,000 total firearms in the United States. This means that there are more guns than there are people. Thus many gun owners may own more than one gun. According to a November 2020 Gallup poll, "Thirty-two percent of U.S. adults say they personally own a gun, while a larger percentage, 44%, report living in a gun household. If you've recently visited a sporting goods store, pawn shop, or any other place that sells guns you'll quickly discover empty shelves. With a worldwide pandemic, contested presidential elections, and civil unreast in some communities, conspiracy theories about the shortage are abound. Mike Nelson owner of Excalibur Sporting Goods in Afton says there's a logical explanation to limited supplies. -Video

Mike: According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation The Firearm industry Association, The firearms industry in Oklahoma employs 4,395 people with a payroll of over $160,113,500 and makes a total impact of over $525,754,200 on the state economy via firearm and hunting supplies manufactoring, materials, transportation, real estate, and more.

Economic Impact of Firearms industry in Oklahoma


Mike: Coming up after the break, we’ll look into rumors of nepotism and financial gain in Afton. Here's a piece of trivia you may not know. Commercial Break (Osborn Drugs :30, Paid)

(One Shot/Video) #5 (Afton Interview)

Mike: Although small towns have many advantages like knowing your neighbors it can have disadvantages like being related to your neighbors. Recently I sat down with Afton's City Clerk Rebecca Collins and City Manager slash Attorney Brent Smith to get a better understanding of how a town operates when you have 3 siblings on the city council.

-Video interview Afton Town documents mentioned during interview

Mike: After the break, what Miamians think about mandatory mask usage. Until then here's a list of government meetings in Ottawa County.

Upcoming Government Meetings

Afton Town City Council Meeting- January 19th 6pm

Commerce City Council Meeting-January 12th 6pm

Miami City Council Meeting-January 19th, 6pm

Comercial Break (Osborn drug 1:30, Paid) (One Shot/Video) #6 (Miami Mask Mandates) Mike: Welcome back everyone. Currently 38 states in the United States have some form of mask mandate. While Oklahoma is not one of them there are a handful of communties to include Tulsa, Muskogee, and Oklahoma city. Since last March, 1629 miami have been dianosed with covid-19. While that's 13% of the city's population have experienced mild symptoms like headaches, light fevers, and cough others have been admitted to the hospital with sever symptoms. As of press time 20 people have died. While this seems like a small number, Miami is the county seat and has the most shops and resturants. Among Ottawa county's 31,127 residents 9 percent have had covid-19 and less than 1 percent have died. At the Miami City council meeting last Tuesday, residents and city officials discussed the economic impacts of covid-19 on the community.


Mike: At the center of this was Resolution CC2021-02 "Recommending That all Citizens and Businesses Within the City of Miami Follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to Prevent Further Spread of the COVID-19 Virus and Pledging Support to Those Business Owners Who Require the Use of Masks or Other (CDC) Guidelines in the City of Miami". While this fell short of a mask mandate many citizens were ready to share their opinons on a mask mandate in all public places. Here’s the full discussion, to include a familiar face…



Mike: Resolution CC2021-02 did fail with councilmember Ryan Orcutt the resolution author being the only "yes" vote. Councilmember Vicki Lewis did not vote due to her absence.

-Graphic Today's Question

Mike: So what are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with a mask mandate? Please share with us below in the comments. Mask Mandate States

Mike: Well that’s it for this week’s program. Be sure to like and share this video and become our friend on Facebook. Thanks again for watching.We’ll see you next week!

(Copyright/fade out)

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