History: A Brush with the President (Monett, Missouri)
Woodruff Media
"Marketing Solutions for Small Business"
Television•Radio•Print•Social Media•Live Streaming•Podcasts•Website Design
Alma, Arkansas
Biography: A Monettan Goes to Hollywood (Monett, Missouri)
History: The Cave Adventure of W.B. Bolton (Monett, Missouri)
History: They Left and Never Returned (Monett, Missouri)
History: Origins of Marshall Hill (Monett, Missouri)
Transcript: Ottawa County News (04/10/23)
Transcript: Ottawa County News 04/03/23
Transcript: Ottawa County News 03/24/23)
Transcript: Ottawa County News (03/16/23)
Transcript: Ottawa County News (02/24/23)
The List: 10 Dangerous Things Afton Folks Did
Transcript: The Community Focus Update (11/25/21)
Transcript: The Community Focus Update (11/03/21)
Transcript: the Community Focus Update (07/16/21)
Transcript: The Community Focus Update (06/30/21)
Transcript: The Community Focus Update (05/23/21)