The Community Focus Update
Date: May 6th, 2021
Note: This is a working document information may change. Missing numbers means stories were dropped.
Mike: In this week’s program we’ll learn about a change to Commerce's’ trash pickup program. We’ll have breakfast with some Oklahoma legislators, we’ll sit down with Ottawa County District Two Commissioner Steven Chasteen, and later we'll discuss current court cases concerning public officials. All this and more here on The Community Focus Update!
(PPT Video/Chroma Key)
-:60 Opener/Lower third (Mike)
(One shot) (Zoom in)
Mike: Welcome to our 53rd episode of the Community Focus Update. I’m Michael Woodruff. Before we dive into what's going on around Ottawa County let's talk about our sponsors.
-Kdawg Online Auction
Mike: Owned and operated by Kenny and Diahann Wiford , K Dawg Online Auction features brand new liquidated items at the fraction of store prices. If you have a Facebook profile you can be a member of our group and bid. Auctions begin each Friday night at 6 and end on Saturday night at 6. To get a deal on someone else's extravagant decision and change of mind visit facebook dot com slash groups slash Kdawgauctions. (Facebook link on screen)
-Elegance Unleashed
Mike: Elegance Unleashed; Owner Deb Swank offers a full service salon for you and your family. They offer a wide variety of services from haircuts to pedicures. Due to easing of state and local Covid-19 rules Elegance Unleashed, will be taking one-on-one appointments. Children and the disabled can be accompanied by one adult. As a safety caution all clients are asked to wear surgical masks. If you don’t have a mask one will be provided. Deb wants to thank everyone for their past patronage and looks forward to serving returning and new customers. For an appointment call 918-544-6976.
-Extreme Gaming Mike: In addition to video games, Extreme Gaming at 1915 North Main in Miami is now offering movie rentals! Each Tuesday is New Release day and with over twelve hundred titles in stock, there’s something for everyone! To learn more give Extreme Gaming a call at 918-542-7529. On the phone or in person be sure to thank them for sponsoring the Community Focus Update!
Mike: If you’d like to advertise or be a sponsor of The Community Focus Update it’s only $10 an episode during the covid-19 pandemic. Email me at Michael at Woodruff Media Management dot com with the Word “advertising” in the subject line.
#1 (one shot/Graphic)
(Afton Hee Haw Dance) Mike: If you feel like the only luck you have is bad luck then grab your overalls and attend the Hee-Haw dance at The Afton Community Center on Saturday May 8th at 6pm. At this free event everyone is invited to dress as their favorite Hee Haw character and join in on the pick’n and grin’n.
#2 (One shot/Video)
(Commerce gets new Trash collection vendor) Mike: Recently the city of Commerce renewed their trash removal contract with CARDs Holdings of Springdale, Arkansas for another 5 years. Along with the renewal Commerce residents will see something new around town as City Administrator Michael Hart Explains.
Lower Third: Michael Hart, City Administrator, Commerce, Oklahoma
Mike: Like the old blue poly carts that everyone in the community is familiar with these new carts will have the same features.
Mike: These 96 gallon carts will hold up to 150 pounds and will continue to be the property of CARDS Holdings. Replacement will begin in the next few weeks and will not cost residents. If any cart needs to be replaced the charge will be $75 which is payable directly to CARDS. Trash pickup has also not changed, the schedule is still 6 am on your designated day. For residential customers it’s $16 a month and for commercial customers the price starts at $55. If you have any questions please call 1-877-592-2737 or email them at In addition to Commerce CARDs also serves Langley, Jay, Grove, and Colcord.
#3 (One shot/Video)
Eggs and Issues
Mike: On Friday April 23rd, the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted “Eggs and Issues” at the Paul Thomas Family Center. During the event attendees learned about what area legislators are currently working on. Here’s a sampling.
Lower Third: Rep. Steve Bashore (R), DISTRICT 7 Lower Third: Sen. Michael Berstrom (R), DISTRICT 1
-Graphic Mike: To watch the full event you can visit today’s Transcript.
-Graphic The Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce's next event, The "State of Community Luncheon on May 14th. This will feature community leaders discussing the current status and future plans for the Miami area. Speakers will include representatives from the City of Miami, Ottawa County Commission, Inter-Tribal Council and Miami Area Economic Development Service & Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Tickets for this luncheon are $20 and you can reserve them by calling the Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce at 918-542-4481.
#4 (One shot/Graphic)
(Floyd Update)
Mike: On our December 19th 2020 episode we reported former Ottawa County Sheriff Jeremy Floyd was indicted by a Grand Jury in Oklahoma city on December 17th with the charge of embezzlement for misusing a county credit card to the total of $1,132.78 and lying about his criminal history on the 2020 Declaration of Candidacy form he filed for re-election. After being bonded out of Ottawa county jail for $50,000, a change of venue to Ottawa county was filed. Since that time Mr. Floyd and his lawyer Clint Ward of Vinita have reported to the court 4 times. According to the court docket, in his last appearance before Judge Berry Denny on April 28th, Mr. Floyd is scheduled to appear again in district court on June 10th at 1pm. We’ll continue to report on this case as it progresses.
#5 (one shot/video)
(CASA’s Cherish the Children Cruise Night/Street paving)
Mike: What has been a point of contention for sometime is close to be over thanks to a diligent road crew. Initially current street repair on Main street had organizers of CASA’s Cherish the Children Cruise Night worried that their event would be negatively impacted but with some planning and burning the midnight oil Main street was finished just hours before the event began on Friday night April 30th. Melissia Barnes of CASA of Northeast Oklahoma was ecstatic.
-Video from Livestream
Lower Third: Melissa Barnes, CASA of Northeast Oklahoma
Mike: This cruise event raised over $ , had # Volunteers, and hosted # booths and food trucks. Approximately # attended the event
Mike: If you’d like to see the event visit our video section on our Facebook Page.
Mike: Have a news tip? Let us know by visiting our website at Woodruff Media Management dot com slash news.
Mike: After the break we'll be sitting down with Ottawa County Commissioner of District Two Steven Chasteen to discuss his first 100 days in office. Until then here’s more information you need to know. Upcoming Government Meetings
Ottawa County Commissioners Monday May, 9am (online)
Miami City Council Monday May 17, 6pm (online/in person)
Commercial Break (Unity of Joplin, Paid)
Mike: Welcome Back everyone.
#6 (one shot/graphic)
(Interview with Steven Chasteen)
Lower Third: Steven Chasteen, Commissioner, Ottawa County District Two
-Graphic Mike: Coming up after the break, we’ll discuss a police body cam video recently released by Miami Police Department.
Did you know trivia
Commercial Break (Ottawa County Farmers Market :30, Paid)
#7 (One Shot)
(Commentary on Open Records Act/Trial by Media)
Mike: Welcome Back everyone.
Mike: Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. In years following, the states passed similar laws. In the spirit of the law, an informed citizen results in a more engaged citizen who is empowered with facts not fantasy. Citizens now know exactly how much a bridge costs, how many employees are on a sanitation crew, what was discussed in a meeting, and a myriad of other benefits.
Recently we filed such a request for government documents in regard to a crime of shoplifting at the Integris Hospital gift shop by Mrs. Kelli Shelton the Fairland Parks Commissioner. Among the requests filed we asked for a police report, the audio recording of police dispatch, Police cruiser Dash cam video, and Officer bodycam footage of the incident. We were not alone in this request, other news outlets and government watchdog groups also asked for pretty much the same thing. Sadly how this information was used is where all reporting deviates. The Miami News-Record did a great job on reporting how Mrs. Shelton was fearful about the incident being reported in the newspaper and how she begged and pleaded with the officer to be let go. They further reported the same things we have been reporting to include Shelton's upcoming court appearance on May 27th. On the other side of the coin was The Ottawa County Inquirer, a local government watchdog group on Facebook. In an effort to promote their reporting they posted numerous clipart of theatre popcorn boxes with comments like “Almost ready, get your popcorn and enjoy the show.” Upon uploading they struggled with Integris’ request to protect the privacy of its employees and gave lip service to the idea of “innocent until proven guilty”. While The Ottawa County Inquirer did all of the basic requirements they did not consider one aspect of reporting on an event like this.. “Do no harm” When news outlets cover a story where someone is accused of a crime, much care must be taken to ensure those accused of the crime, the victims of the crime, or both parties families are not tried and convicted in public opinion. Additionally how the story is reported has to be reported in a way that doesn’t sway potential jurors. By showing a majority of the video Mrs. Shelton may not have a fair trial in Municipal court or worse the victim may not get justice.
Since first started reporting on this story we have done everything possible to ensure fair and accurate reporting. We reached out to the victim, we reached out to the accused, we sourced official documents, and we are researching other information as it is presented. Just as we have been following the Floyd case we are focused on how both are navigating through the justice system. In the end two outcomes will happen these folks are found guilty or they are found innocent. In the case of Mr. Floyd it’s back to being a private citizen regardless of outcome. For Mrs. Shelton, since she’s an elected official the story will continue on. At this point we will present the police bodycam video and explain how it affected the decision by the court. As we have mentioned previously both individuals are invited to be on the program at any time they are comfortable to tell their side of the story. If you’d like to learn more about how we report and the standards we follow you can visit the society of professional journalists at the link on the screen, we are card carrying members of this long standing organization. To be fair, while the folks at the Ottawa County Inquirer failed at reporting properly on this and have admitted they are not journalists they do provide a much needed service to the community by asking hard questions when others may not be so inclined.
Well that’s it for this week’s program. Be sure to like and share this video and become our friend on Facebook. Thanks again for watching. We’ll see you next week!
(Copyright 2021/fade out)