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Transcript: The Community Focus Update (10/03/20)

Writer's picture: Michael WoodruffMichael Woodruff

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

The Community Focus Update Date: October 3rd, 2020

Note: This is a working document information may change (FSG)

Covid-19 Disclaimer (PPT Video/Chroma Key)

-:60 Opener/Lower third (Mike) (One shot) (Zoom in) Mike: Welcome to our 32nd episode of the Community Focus Update. I’m Michael Woodruff. Broadcasting live from festifall in Downtown Miami, Oklahoma (One shot) Mike: In this week’s episode, we’ll learn….. We’ll also………, and later in the program we will…... Before we get into the news, let’s talk about our sponsors. - Graphic

-Elegance Unleashed Mike: Elegance Unleashed; Owner Deb Swank offers a full service salon for you and your family. They offer a wide variety of services from haircuts to pedicures. Due to easing of state and local Covid-19 rules Elegance Unleashed, will be taking one-on-one appointments. Children and the disabled can be accompanied by one adult. As a safety caution all clients are asked to wear surgical masks. If you don’t have a mask one will be provided. Deb wants to thank everyone for their past patronage and looks forward to serving returning and new customers. For an appointment call 918-544-6976.


Mike: Do you or a loved one need home care? Then give Caring Hands Home Services a call at 417-825-5600. Caring Hands Home Services offers covid-19 compliant care in your home with light cooking and cleaning. With stay at home orders issued by state and local governments, Caring Hands Home Services is an essential business and offers grocery pickup from your favorite store! Caring Hands Home Services serves Ottawa County and the Joplin Metro area. -Graphic

Mike: We also want to thank Rachel's Marvelous Masks. In this current state of caution why not look trendy and wear a mask that suits your personality. With masks starting at $8, Local seamstress Rachel Sanda reminds you to spread love, not germs! For more information visit Rachel's Marvelous Masks on Facebook or call (918) 244-1049.

-Pewitt Law Graphic Mike: Since 1992, Douglas Pewitt has been serving the public as an attoney. If you have questions about Family law to include divorce and child custody, auto or personal injury, or found yourself on the other side of the law. Call Pewitt Law Offices at 918-542-8400.

-Ottawa County Republicans Mike: The Ottawa County Republicans want to invite to their booth here at Festifall. In addition to meeting local cadidates, you can get signs and swag. While you’re at it get a photo with President Trump. To learn more about the upcoming general election visit The Ottawa County Republicans Facebook page.

Mike: If you’d like to advertise or be a sponsor of The Community Focus Update it’s only $10 an episode during the covid-19 pandemic. Email me at Michael Woodruff Media Management dot com with the Word “advertising” in the subject line. #1(One shot/Graphic) (Afton Flags) Mike: The Town of Afton is one step closer to having an official flag. At the beginning of August the town called for folks to submit flag designs. Now the top three are in. -Graphic,, flags Mike: If you want to vote visit the Town of Afton’s Facebook page and like best one. The flag with the most likes on October 19th at 3 pm will be the winner., The winner will be announced at the Town Meeting on October 19th.

#2(One shot/Graphic) (Commerce Trunk or Treat) -Graphic

Mike: Halloween is just around the corner and The City of Commerce is hosting a Trunk or treat in Downtown Commerce. Families, businesses, and groups are invited to park and decorate their vehicles and pass out treats to trick or treaters! There will be prizes for the best decorated vehicles! Please call City Hall at 918-675-4373 to register in order to give city officals an accurate number for spacing needs. There is no fee for this event.

#3(One shot/Video/Graphic) (GAR Cemetary)

Mike: It’s that time again. The GAR cemetary in Miami is reminding all who have flowers and other decorations on graves need to have those removed by Monday October 5, 2020. Numerous times, throughout the year, cemetary staff does a throughough cleaning. If you don’t remove your items they will be thrown in the trash with no exceptions. The removal will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. next Monday morning. For more information call 918-541-2288.

-Graphic Mike: If you have any questions please call 918-919-1540. We plan to have the new organizers on a future episode of The Community Focus Update.

#4 (One Shot/Video) (Miami Region Chamber of Commerce Crab Boil) Mike: What’s considered the start of Designs of Autumn Festifall is the annual Community Crab Boil. Last Thursday over 180 people enjoyed crap, shrimp, corn on the cob, potatoes, sausage and “adult beverages”. Miami Mayor Bless Parker gave props to The Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce for a job well done. #4a Video

#5(One Shot/Graphic) (Quapaw Auction) Mike: The town of Quapaw is accepting seal bids for a 2013 Dodge Charger police cruiser and a 2003 Zero turn grasshopper mower. If you are interested in purchasing these items. You need to put the bid in a sealed envelope with your contact information and mark the outside with “Mower’ or “Car” and dropped off at Townhall at 410 Main. Bids will be recieved until 4:00pm on Oct. 12th, 2020. The highest bid gets the item. For more information call 918-674-2525.

#6(One shot/Video)

(Ottawa County Farmers Market Season Ends) Mike: After a successful season The Ottawa County Farmer’s Market came to a cloase on Thursday Ocotber 1st. Farmer’s Market Organizer Kristen Woodruff said having a market during a pandimic was a challenge. -Lower Third: Kristen Woodruff, Organizer, Ottawa County Farmer’s Market (One shot/Graphic/Camera One) (News Tip/Trivia) -Graphic Mike: If you have a news tip we’d like to hear from you. Shoot us an email at with the Word “News” in the subject Line.


Mike: Coming up after the break, we’ll have information about upcoming elections and a recap of last Saturday’s Grill’n the Ottawa County Candidates Debate. Until then here’s a piece of trivia you may not know. Trivia: Watch video for trivia

Comercial Break Unity of Joplin (Paid)

(One Shot/Graphic) #7(2020 General Election Candidates) Mike: The 2020 General election is coming up on Tuesday November 3rd. On the upcoming ballot voters will have a chance to vote for President of the United states, congressional representatives, and officials that serve Ottawa County residents directly. Last Saturday September 26th. Woodruff Media Management hosted “Grill’n the Ottawa County Candidates” Among the pundits was Incumbent County Commissioner of District 2 Democrat Chad Masterson, His challenger Republican Steven Chasteen, and Sheriff Candidate Democrat David Dean. Incumbent for Sheriff, Republican Jeremy Floyd was not present due to previous commitments. Here’s a sample of that debate.


#7a -Graphic Mike: To see what is on the general election ballot check out our Ottawa County voter’s guide at woodruffmediamangement dot com slash news. There is also links in our voters guide of every story that features the candidates we’ve interiewed in the past year to include the full video of last week’s debate. #8 -Graphic Mike: Coming up on October 27th at 6pm. The City of Commerce is hosting a Meet and Greet for it’s mayoral candidates. This event will be moderated by Dr. Jeff Birdsong of NEO College and will be livestreamed by Woodruff Media Management. Admission to attend or watch is free. We’ll have more information on sponsors etc in the near future. -Camera

Mike: After the break we’ll tell you what’s coming up next week On The Community Focus Update. Here’s a piece of trivia you may not know. Trivia: Watch video for trivia

Commercial Break

-Gun Safety PSA

Mike: Welcome Back. We are broadcasting live from Designs of Autumn Festifall in Downtown Miami, Oklahoma. Recap of Car show, KGLC, Push Pull, etc.

Mike: Well that’s it for this weeks program. Be sure to like and share this video and become our friend on Facebook. Thanks again for watching.We’ll see you next week!

(Copyright/fade out)

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